3 marzo, 2017 -
Lévano, M.,(a)
(a) Universidad Catolica de Temuco, Chile
Volumen: Páginas: 63-81
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2492-2.ch004
Fecha de publicación: 03 de marzo de 2017
The following chapter shows the development of a learning methodology used to validate self-directed learning generic competences and knowledge management in a competence-based model in the engineering computer science program of the Universidad Católica Temuco (UCT). The design of the methodology shows the steps and activities of the learning-by-doing process, as shown gradually in the learning results of the competence. The designed methodological process allows creating working schemes for theory-based teaching and learning, and also for practicing and experimenting. The problematology as controlled scenarios is integrated in order to answer problems in engineering, allowing the process of validation in the self-learning and knowledge management competences. Thus, the achievements in the results have allowed helping the teachers to use their learning instruments.