1 abril, 2017 -
Peralta B.(a), Caro L.(a), Soto A.(b)
(a)Núcleo de Investigación en Bioproductos y Materiales Avanzados (BioMA), Dirección de Investigación, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Temuco, Chile
(b)Scientific and Technological Bioresources Nucleus-BIOREN, University of La Frontera, Av. Francisco Salazar 01145, Temuco, Chile
(c)Department of Chemical Engineering, University of La Frontera, Av. Francisco Salazar 01145, Temuco, Chile
(d)Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA Carillanca, Casilla Postal 58-D, Temuco, Chile
(e)Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de, Chile
Volumen: 137 Páginas: 165-173
DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2017.01.063
Fecha de publicación: 01 de abril de 2017
A study to produce an efficient catalyst to be used for biodiesel production was carried out introducing sulfonic groups in biocharusing a microwave reactor. The transesterification reaction of waste cooking oils using the catalyst was also evaluated in a microwavereactor. The results showed that an increase in the temperature up to 140 °C during biochar sulfonation enhanced the SO3H content on the catalyst surface. These results were confirmed through FT-IR and XPS analyses. A reduction in the surface area of the biocharwas observed during the sulfonation. An increase of SO3H groups on the biochar surface was responsible for a higher FAME yield close to 90%. The catalyst could be re-used for up to six cycles by washing with hexane.